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- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- # converts vim documentation to simple html
- # Sirtaj Singh Kang (taj@kde.org)
- # Wed Oct 8 01:15:48 EST 1997
- $date = `date`;
- chop $date;
- %url = ();
- # Read the specified tag file. For each tag, convert the filename into a
- # hyperlink and save it in an associative array using the tag as the index.
- sub readTagFile
- {
- my($tagfile) = @_;
- local( $tag, $file, $name );
- open(TAGS,"$tagfile") || die "can't read tags\n";
- while( <TAGS> ) {
- s/</</g;
- s/>/>/g;
- # For each line in the tag file, save the first two items
- # into backreferences, the first holding the tag itself,
- # and the second holding the file containing the tag.
- /^(.*)\t(.*)\t/;
- $tag = $1;
- ($file= $2) =~ s/.txt$/.html/g;
- $url{ $tag } = "<A HREF=\"$file#$tag\">$tag</A>";
- #print "($tag, $file, $tag)\n";
- }
- close( TAGS );
- }
- # Convert the specified text file into an html file. For each line in the
- # file, convert any words between asterices into page anchors, and convert
- # any words between bar characters into hyperlinks.
- sub vim2html
- {
- my( $infile ) = @_;
- local( $outfile );
- open(IN, "$infile" ) || die "Couldn't read from $infile.\n";
- # Strip off any path information from the supplied filename.
- # TODO: will this work on DOS paths using a backslash?
- ($outfile = $infile) =~ s%.*/%%g;
- $outfile =~ s/\.txt$//g;
- open( OUT, ">$outfile.html" )
- || die "Couldn't write to $outfile.html.\n";
- print OUT<<EOF;
- <HTML>
- <HEAD><TITLE>$outfile</TITLE></HEAD>
- <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <H1>Vim Documentation: $outfile</H1>
- <HR>
- <PRE>
- while( <IN> ) {
- s/</</g;
- s/>/>/g;
- # Convert tags between asterices into page targets
- s/\*([^*\s]*)\*/\*<A NAME="$1"><B>$1<\/B><\/A>\*/g;
- # Convert tags between bars into hyperlinks
- s/\|([^|\s]*)\|/\|$url{$1}\|/g;
- print OUT $_;
- }
- print OUT<<EOF;
- </PRE>
- <p><i>Generated by vim2html on $date</i></p>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- }
- # Display the usage information for the script.
- sub usage
- {
- die<<EOF;
- vim2html.pl: converts vim documentation to HTML.
- usage:
- vim2html.pl <tag file> <text files>
- }
- # Main processing
- if ( scalar(@ARGV) < 2 ) {
- usage();
- }
- print "Processing tags...\n";
- readTagFile( $ARGV[ 0 ] );
- # Individually process each file pattern supplied on the command line.
- foreach $file ( 1..$#ARGV ) {
- # Process each pattern as if it contains wildcards.
- while ($filename = <$ARGV[$file]>) {
- print "Processing ".$filename."...\n";
- vim2html( $filename );
- }
- }